In the months since the murder of George Floyd, reevaluation has been an important tool and practice for laying new groundwork. Everything from physical properties to policies and communications have been rightfully scrutinized. Just because our timelines are no longer centered on exposing racial injustices does not mean discrimination has stopped and the future will require devoted reflection.
The Seasons Creative Project was founded on the belief that true innovation happens when you bring together a spectrum of perspectives, experiences and cultures. We hope to empower other underrepresented creatives within our industry and community by supporting their ideas and uplifting their voice.
Today we are excited to announce our first Seasons Creative Project winner, Morgan Mathews and Gene Finley of Chocolate Chip Media. Morgan is a writer and filmmaker based in Oakland, California whose current projects work to unpack the nuanced layers that Black males experience as they evolve into various stages of emotional and physical maturity.
The Urgency around this story addresses both a societal and cultural void. With the ubiquitous traumatic imagery, tension, and uncertainties surrounding Black people recently (especially the increased police brutality and racism during Covid-19), having an authentic counter-culture story available would be both therapeutic and uplifting for many people.
Morgan’s lens is shrewd, conscious and timely. In his debut project, he explored the racial divides in Silicon Valley while working in the tech industry. As a company that occupies the ever-changing circles of tech, we found Morgan’s perspective of the industry to be more than worth amplifying.
The project that the Seasons grant will help support is in collaboration with BlackArchives and Adrian O. Walker and also focuses on topics close to the core of Seasons—exploration and liberation through fashion. Titled “Black Butterflies”, the short documentary “focuses on the subculture of durags and its connection to Black culture, self-care, and preservation as a form of liberation”.

Since founding Seasons, we’ve spent countless hours dissecting the importance of style, fashion and individual garments, thinking about how they can best augment everyday life. In 2020, these questions have become only more amplified and justifiably scrutinized. Do clothes still matter? “Black Butterflies” struck a chord with these emotions.
As the narrative around the democratization of what is deemed as “beautiful” continues to evolve, an emergent conversation has sprung to the forefront of culture. This dialogue is heavily centered around the intergenerational relationship with Black identity and our beloved self care practices.

With the durag as its vehicle, the project explores the history of its identity. We believe navigating this avenue also offers a profound opportunity to examine the future. The community, discipline and emotion that comes with certain accessories and garments transcended their physical form. In the new chapter of which we all occupy, evaluating these items has never seemed so important. Whether for identity, expression or self-care, style can hold profound meaning.
We are excited to support Morgan, Gene, Adrian, and the “Black Butterflies” project as well as future projects, artists and innovators through the Seasons Creative Project. Applications for the Fall grant will be open soon. In the meantime, we hope you continue to support and assist voices of importance as we strive to leverage our own platform for an improved future.